
Berkeley County Schools Operating on 2-Hour Delay Monday

Pictured: Berkeley County School District

BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C.–Schools and offices are operating on a 2-hour delay Monday.

Students, however, attending Berkeley Middle College will return on Tuesday, BCSD officials stated.

Following the holidays, school leaders are also warning students to be extra careful when bringing gifts to school to show their fellow classmates.

“Because the safety and security of our students is always our first priority, we ask for your assistance and attention to ensure that items that are weapons, could be considered weapons, or are toy replicas of weapons do not make their way onto our school campuses. Examples of these items include, but are not limited to: Airsoft/BB/pellet/cap guns, pocket/Swiss Army knives, bows and arrows, etc.,” posted school officials via Facebook.

Parents are encouraged to check their child’s backpack, pockets, and jackets for these items as well as talk with their child about why they cannot bring these items to school.

If a student is found to be in possession of a weapon, whether real or toy, they will face disciplinary action, including possible criminal charges and recommendations for expulsion.

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