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Mepkin Abbey Begins Work On New Memorial Garden

Pictured: Location of Mepkin Abbey's new memorial garden
Pictured: Location of Mepkin Abbey’s new memorial garden (Courtesy: Mepkin Abbey)

BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C. – A new and exciting project is starting at Mepkin Abbey, according to the monks who call the peaceful sanctuary home.

If you’ve driven to Mepkin’s store lately, you may have noticed that near the entrance to the African-American cemetery, the ground has been cleared and a pathway has been made.

That area will soon be home to Mepkin Abbey’s new memorial garden. The monks say they plan to begin planting trees and flowers there in the very near future.

According to the monks, once the garden is finished, people will eventually be able to visit it as “an oasis of prayer and quiet.”

“All will be welcome to purchase a block on which will be engraved the name of a loved one,” the monks said.

The monks say they plan to provide additional details in the near future regarding the “new venture” as well as how and where people can purchase a block for someone they would like to remember.

Established in 1949 and situated in the Cordesville area of Berkeley County, Mepkin Abbey is a community of Roman Catholic monks who devote their lives to prayer, spiritual study, work and hospitality. 


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