
Berkeley County’s Updated Budget Eliminates Property Tax Increase

budgetBERKELEY COUNTY, S.C.—Berkeley County homeowners may not see a property tax increase after all.

During the meeting, Deputy Supervisor Tim Callanan presented council with a new budget plan for the 2015-2016 fiscal year that would eliminate any millage increase. Two months ago, the original budget called for a five mill increase in property taxes.

This final, proposed budget would mean that Berkeley County would have the lowest millage rate in the state, Berkeley County Spokesperson Michael Mule stated.

In order to avoid a tax increase, Callanan said during the meeting that the county would have to reset the amount of money split between county and school district back to 70/30 by getting rid of its contingency fund and increasing the share that the county keeps from multi-county industrial park revenues.

This would, in turn, reduce the amount of money that goes to the school district.

So far, the budget puts a heavy emphasis on public safety by including a five percent merit-pay increase and providing the Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office with additional detention officers and deputies.

During the meeting Councilman Josh Whitley commended Supervisor Bill Peagler for making sure the county’s latest budget focuses on making the county a safer place.

According to Berkeley County Spokesperson Michael Mule, a final vote on the budget will take place on July 27th.

Nikki Gaskins Campbell
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