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Berkeley County Deputies Vow To Make Package Thieves Famous During The Holidays

Via Berkeley County Sheriff's Office
Via Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office

BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C.–Every time a package hits a doorstep, porch or mailbox, it creates a window of opportunity for thieves to sneak in and nab the goods from unsuspecting homeowners. This happens more often than you may actually think.

According to an report, a whopping 23 million Americans have had packages stolen from their homes before they could open them. Sadly around the holidays is when homeowners are more vulnerable.

That’s why the Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office is on a mission to stop local Grinches from ruining Christmas for Berkeley County residents.

This year the Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office will be deploying multiple decoy packages around the county in order to help catch thieves in action.

“Video and tracking devices make this easy and fun,” read a post on the department’s official Facebook page. “Just know that when we catch you, and we will, that you will be famous as your photo will be posted here for everyone to see. Nobody likes a thief, particularly a thief that is stealing someone’s Christmas.”

Nikki Gaskins Campbell
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