
Det Bowers rushes primary for Graham’s senate seat with homegrown money tree

Pictured: Det Bowers
(Photo Provided)

As the countdown to June 10 and South Carolina’s Republican primary election approaches, Colombia Pastor, Det Bowers is one of the more financially viable challengers hoping to unseat incumbent Sen. Lindsey Graham. Bowers’ war chest has gained over $400,000, of which 96% has been raised in contributions strictly from South Carolina, showing the populist support garnered in his push to the primary.

He recently appeared on The Bryan Crabtree Show to discuss where he stands regarding the national budget, NSA spying, Obamacare and other issues facing the election.

Many in the conservative horse race for Graham’s seat accuse the senator of being too liberal. Bowers’s opinion is no different.

“Sen. Graham has obviously voted to grow the debt ceiling on a number of occasions,” said Bowers. “In order to balance the budget we do need to repeal the Affordable Care Act, but we have got to cut spending. We need to overhaul entitlements. We have got to reduce the deficit. If we reduce the deficit, we are going to spur growth.”

Bowers was asked whether or not he would have voted against the raising the debt limit, even if it would have led to a shut down. His answer was simple.

“I would have not voted in favor to raise the debt ceiling,” he said.

Bowers was also asked if he was more ideologically aligned with senators like Sen. Ted Cruz rather than more moderate Republicans.

“Exactly, yes, you’re 100% correct,” Bowers stated.

Unlike Graham, who reportedly supports the NSA domestic spying, Bowers says he is against spying on civilians.

“It is helpful to remember why we have the 4th amendment. The 4th amendment was not written for criminals. It was written for us, it was written for folks who need their rights protected,” Bowers said. “The amendment is to protect us against the government. If the government wants my records they have another right and another way to get it. They can go through the 14th amendment, due process, they can get a warrant and show probable cause. So there is a way to get my records, but getting them without permission, without authority, is just not the right way.”

Bowers is concerned about future trespasses against certain individual liberties and their effects on the United States.

“If we continue to give up our rights, what we are going to find is that those of who are givers, rather than takers, are not going to have anything else to give. When that occurs the takers are going to take whatever is left.  And that is something that just not affordable in any society, but particularly ours,” he said. “We all care deeply about the cause of liberty throughout the world, but if we don’t protect it in America the whole world will lose.”

On whether Obamacare will be repealed, Bowers sees it as an issue of character for Republicans in Washington.

“There is no question it can be repealed, it just takes political will. What we do not have is a political class of people in Washington who have the political will to do what is right,” said Bowers.

On other issues, such as the Graham’s common ground stance, namely his support of the President’s Supreme Court Nominations, Bowers says they just fail to see eye to eye.

“I don’t know his motive. I think Sen. Graham intentions are appropriate, we just have a different worldview, we have a different ideology, and if you keeping giving to those on the other side and they do not ever give back, you just have to learn not to trust them,” he said.

He ended his interview speaking of the populist quality of his campaign contributors.

“The folks who have come into our campaign and contributed, they are people who are not involved in the political process, they vote, but most have never given to a political campaign. 96% of our contributions came from South Carolina. It is overwhelming, and I am humbled by the commitment throughout the state to move their state forward, not by politicos, but by people who just have a heart for America and a heart for South Carolina.”

Bowers and five other challengers, including female Citadel graduate Nancy Mace, face Graham in a crowded Republican primary on June 10, 2014. If Graham fails to receive a majority of the votes, a runoff election will be held between the two leading candidates on June 24, 2014.


The Bryan Crabtree Show airs from  8-10 a.m. on WQSC 1340 and 950 AM.  You can visit the show’s website by clicking here.  You can also catch Rocky D on the same airwaves from 3-6 p.m.


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