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Online petition started to make Bonneau’s Richardsons Boat Landing a “no swim area”

BONNEAU, S.C–Local woman, Michele Johnson, of Moncks Corner recently started an online petition at, urging Santee Cooper to make the Richardsons Boat Landing in Bonneau a “no swimming” area.boat landing

Johnson says the landing was once a “no swimming” area and isn’t sure why that changed.

“You decided to remove the sign and blocked off the entire beach to swimmers,” she writes on the petition.  “Swimmers could very easily go to the tip of Bonneau Beach and swim wit out being in the way of boaters.”

Johnson worries that one day a swimmer is going to get seriously injured  if Santee Cooper doesn’t take action.  She says she’s witnessed people walking on the sidewall and  jumping in front of boats.  She also added that there are no  lifeguards to stop the behavior.

“Boats do not have breaks, and one day someone is going to get seriously injured or killed,” said Johnson.

The petition is asking that the spot become strictly a boat landing, instead of a public swimming area.

“You have other public swimming locations throughout the area . These areas should be suggested to use such as the Overton location for swimming,” writes Johnson.  “They also provide a lifeguard. You also have Thornley Forest area for swimming.”

The other portion of the petition sites South Carolina Legislation Title 50 – Fish, Game and Watercraft.

“It is unlawful for a person to swim within fifty feet of a public boat landing or ramp located on a lake or reservoir constructed or developed by an investor-owned utility for hydroelectric generation,” the petition sites.

Santee Cooper Spokesperson Nicole Aiello, had this to say on the issue, “Section 50-21-148 applies to obstruction of a pier, dock, wharf, boat ramp or access areas. Santee Cooper has a sign with the ordinance posted at the boat landing, and people swimming at the boat landing are considered obstructions and can be fined. Santee Cooper’s law enforcement officers and DNR have the authority to enforce this. There is also a roped off area that boats are prohibited from being in where, people can safely swim. It is roped off and marked prominently by buoys. Santee Cooper will be increasing patrols in the area and we have made DNR aware as well.”

To view the petition, click here.



  1. This is messed up no one has ever got hurt by a boat

  2. Just as she says that we can swim at one of the other beach areas she can put her boat in at the other ramps as well.